Are you scared that organic chemistry is going to keep you away from graduation day?
I mean let's face it. You've heard the horror stories haven't you?
"I couldn't go to med school because I couldn't pass organic 1."
"Man my parents ripped me a new one when they found out that I didn't pass organic 1. I guess I ruined the line of dentists in my family."
"All I ever wanted to do was be a vet and help people spend more time with their fur family. But, I couldn't get past organic 1 so I just went into english since it was so much easier and I had to do something. I could tell my parents were disappointed."
Maybe even you've had a brush with failure already and you're trying to come back to slay the beast that is organic chemistry. It's not easy. You're sitting in class and the teacher is droning on and on about resonance, and carbocations, and nucleophiles getting in fist fights with electrophiles, and anti-marky mark regioselectivity and it just gets overwhelming for you. Your hands get clammy, you start feeling anxiety in the pit of your stomach.
Then you hear the 5 words that make your heart sink because you don't even know where to begin....
"Does anybody have any questions???"
Oh yeah, I've seen your blank stare many times before.
Instantly, you know you're behind, but you have no earthly idea what to ask or even where to begin. Then you blink twice and it's already midterm. Blink again and it's finals.
And you haven't learned anything....
The pressure of failure begins to feel like your head is in a vice, tightening every day.
You think "maybe I should just quit. Maybe my dreams of being a doctor, or a dentist, or a vet are just that. Dreams. They'll never come true. And now I have to tell my parent's that I quit. I know they'll be disappointed, but it's just too hard and I don't have any help."
Well about that last part, you do have help and if you keep reading below, you'll find that the perfect life jacket has arrived to keep you from drowning in the sea of organic molecules.